Entries tagged with “1980”.

1980 Firestone All Terrain Tires

1980 Firestone All Terrain Tires

“When you break out of the weekday 9 to 5 and into the great outdoors for a weekend of relaxation, you want tires on your truck that’ll take you almost anywhere you want to go and get you back…in style.
Get a set of Firestone All Terrains.
Firestone built the first All Terrains for the sand and rocks and heat and hell of Baja, the grand-daddy of all off-road racing. What we learned at Baja about tread and traction and toughness helped prove the performance of the All Terrain Tires you’ll find at your Firestone Dealer.
Before next weekend bolt on a set of Firestone All Terrain tires, or for extra traction, All Terrain T/Cs. They’re not only tough, they’re downright good lookin’ with big, bold, raised white letters. Almost anywhere you want to go, they’ll get you in and get you out and look good doin’ it.”

Source: 1980 Mechanix Illustrated

1980 Datsun Truck advertisement

1980 Datsun Truck advertisement

Introducing the Datsun of 4-Wheel Drive

Source: 1980 Mechanix Illustrated